CODESYS Users Conference We are looking forward to seeing you!

What is the CODESYS Users Conference?

  • A conference dedicated to CODESYS users - that is, to all those who use CODESYS for their daily work.
  • Our special focus is on providing practical benefits. We therefore present ideas and solutions that make working with CODESYS easier and more effective.
  • The conferences are accompanied by a Table Top Show. Here you will find a selection of CODESYS-compatible hardware for your automation solution.

Who will benefit from the CODESYS Users Conference?

  • All those wanting to consolidate and intensify their know-how about CODESYS.
  • All those interested in exchanging information with other users
  • All those who would like to establish and maintain direct contact with the CODESYS manufacturer

What are the CODESYS Users Conference venues?

Two locations in Germany, usually Stuttgart and Herdecke.
These conferences are held in German language.

Dates 2025

06 May 2025 | Herdecke

Ringhotel Zweibrücker Hof
German language!

Zweibrücker Hof 4
58313 Herdecke

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08 May 2025 | Stuttgart

Mövenpick Hotel Stuttgart Airport
German language!

Flughafenstraße 50
70629 Stuttgart

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This is a German-speaking event


09:00 Uhr //  

Begrüßung und Einführung in die Themenblöcke
Referent: Martin Decker

09:15 Uhr  //  

Tipps & Tricks bei der Projektierung mit CODESYS
Referenten: Ralph Holz und Roland Wagner

10:00 Uhr  //  

Entwicklungsprozesse effizient in CODESYS verwalten -„DevOps“
Referent: Bernhard Reiter

10:30 Uhr  //  Kaffeepause

11:00 Uhr  //  

Objektorientierung und Systemarchitektur als Schlüssel für effizientes Logging mit CODESYS
Referent: Tim Neddersen

11:45 Uhr //  

Steuerung und Applikation optimal mit CODESYS verwalten – mit Zertifikaten, Verschlüsselung und Dateimanagement
Referent: Martin Decker

12:30 Uhr //  Mittagspause

13:30 Uhr // 

CODESYS-Projekte schnell in Betrieb nehmen – bekannte und neue Möglichkeiten
Referenten: Ralph Holz und Roland Wagner

14:15 Uhr  // 

Visualisierung auf PC, Tablet oder Smartphone – im Hoch- oder Querformat - Responsive Design
Referent: Martin Decker

14:45 Uhr  //  Kaffeepause

15:15 Uhr  // 

CODESYS-Programmbausteine visualisieren
Referent: Roland Wagner

15:45 Uhr  // 

CODESYS-Security in Zeiten des Cyber Resilience Acts
Referent: Bernhard Reiter

ab 16:15 Uhr  //  

SoftSPSen und hardwareunabhängige Sicherheitssteuerungen nach IEC 61508 SIL3 aufsetzen und in Betrieb nehmen
Referent: Ralph Holz

ca. 17:00 Uhr  //  Ende der Veranstaltung


Martin Decker

Product Manager CODESYS Automation Server, CODESYS Group
With a broad understanding of industrial automation, Martin Decker explains the solutions and functions of the IEC 61131-3 automation software CODESYS. As Product Manager for the CODESYS Automation Server, he is also the right contact for topics related to cloud and Industry 4.0. Through his appearance in numerous videos and at professional events, he has become a familiar face in the automation sector.

Roland Wagner

Head of Product Marketing at the CODESYS Group
Roland Wagner brings many years of in-depth experience in the automation sector. As Head of Product Marketing at the CODESYS Group, he attaches great importance to showing CODESYS users in an easy-to-understand way how they can get the most benefit from the tool. In doing so, he is guided by practical requirements and is always open to discussion.

Roland is well known in the industry through his trainings, publications in trade journals, and his lectures at congresses and trade events. His appearance in numerous videos and on relevant expert panels makes him an important exponent of the CODESYS Group.

Ralph Holz

Trainer, CODESYS Group
Since 2006, Ralph Holz has been responsible for trainings at the CODESYS GmbH, covering every aspect of CODESYS. With his many years of professional experience, Ralph possesses profound technical expertise of both CODESYS and numerous application possibilities. His CODESYS seminars are distinguished by their practical relevance and numerous project examples that he uses to illustrate points to his training participants.

Bernhard Reiter

Product Manager Compiler & Communication, CODESYS Group
As a computer scientist, Bernhard Reiter is particularly interested in IT/OT integration and application architectures in the context of Industry 4.0. Bernhard is particularly interested in the automation of workflows in the application development process - which is why he is responsible for the Professional Developer Edition and the topic of CI/CD within the Product Management team.

With his much-discussed presentation "50 Shades of CODESYS", Bernhard Reiter appeared in front of a large audience for the first time at the CODESYS Technology Day 2023.

Tim Neddersen

Head of Industrial-IT REINHOLZ Technologies GmbH