
Product: CODESYS V3.5 SP19 Patch 3

Key Issue Type Summary Resolution Release Note
CDS-87005 Bug

CLONE - [Setup] OPC Server DA cannot be installed if newer Gateway V2.3 is already installed

CDS-86759 Bug

CLONE - Declaration editor: Variables grayed out in declaration part of SFC POU in offline mode

CDS-86742 Bug

CLONE - CmpRedundancy: Race condition sporadically occurs when setting up the redundancy

CDS-86734 Improvement

CLONE - DeviceCommunicationEditor: Extend the API of the device license activation to allow selecting the container for the activation

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
Patch contains too many incompatibilities
CDS-86726 Improvement

CLONE - Device Communication Editor: Update Wibu Gateways

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
Patch contains too many incompatibilities
CDS-86724 Improvement

CLONE - License Manager: Update Wibu Gateways

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
Patch contains too many incompatibilities
CDS-86722 Bug

CLONE - Compiler: Wrong Compiler Message C0032 is created

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Compiler Version >=
CDS-86707 Bug

CLONE - SysProcessLinux: possible endless loop in SysProcessExecuteCommand

CDS-86697 Bug

CLONE - Linux Targetvisu Webbrowser Element: Stack Overflow causes Exception

CDS-86684 Bug

CLONE - Rebuild before Login after online change

CDS-86680 Bug

CLONE - License terms for Evergreen Webview2 installation are not complete

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Microsoft Edge WebView2 runtime is no longer installed with CODESYS. The user has to download it from https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2 and confirm the license terms.
We have disabled Microsoft Defender SmartScreen as described by Microsoft.

The CODESYS Visualization add-on included in the installation uses the software Microsoft Defender SmartScreen. Thus, your information is collected and transmitted to Microsoft. For details, see the Microsoft privacy statement at https://aka.ms/privacy and the Microsoft Edge privacy whitepaper at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/privacy-whitepaper#smartscreen
CDS-86670 Improvement

CLONE - Online: Password should be cleared if LoginDialog is idle for some time

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
The Dialog to provide credentials for a authentication on a device will now reset the entered password after 2 minutes. The OK button will also be disabled in this case until the user reenters credentials.
CDS-86656 Bug

CLONE - Update CodeMeter runtime to version V7.60c

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
For more details see Advisory 2023-10, which is available on the CODESYS website: https://customers.codesys.com/index.php?eID=dumpFile&t=f&f=17809&token=c3b4e3ec4956099de26f0c6caf194d1ba341040a&download=
CDS-86624 Improvement

CLONE - Online: User credentials have to be re-entered after automatic logout from PLC

CDS-86606 Improvement

CLONE - Package Manager: Write tags and language model version into package db

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Tags and LanguageModelVersion of Packages are now written to the PackageDB. Tags and LanguageModelVersion are now exposed in an Interface.
CDS-86605 Bug

CLONE - Compile: C0072 generated in case of REF Property passed to VAR_IN_OUT of method

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
CompilerVersion >=
CDS-86601 Improvement

CLONE - Package Manager: Use packed package for archiving

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Use original package for archiving
CDS-86592 Improvement

CLONE - DeviceObject: improve saving Parametercache files

CDS-86534 Bug

CLONE - Generate Code: Compiler error because of global_init_slot after project update

Cannot Reproduce [[GENERAL]]
Fixed with CDS-82727 for SP 19 Patch 2
CDS-86532 Bug

CLONE - FBD: Division by zero leads to an unhandled CDS exception

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
An OnlineExpressionException is no longer thrown in case of a division by 0.
The value NaN is returned in this case
CDS-86525 Bug

CLONE - No recompilation done when resetting a modified address in IO Mapping

CDS-86524 Bug

CLONE - CmpApp: Bootproject must never be renamed or deleted in case of an exception

Behavior of existing setting has changed:
=>[Default=1]: The bootproject should never be invalidated or deleted after an exception!

Bootproject is now never deleted or renamed in any case of an exception:
- Previously, the bootproject was deactivated after an exception in non IEC tasks!
- The bootproject was deleted after an exception in an IO-driver during configuration phase!
CDS-86523 Bug

CLONE - PLCHandler: Access violation occurs in ResolveIpAddressCallback after PLCComBase3 destruction

CDS-86496 Bug

CLONE - OnlineHelp: Outdated Offline Help is triggered by "F1" if PING is disabled by IT department

CDS-86468 Bug

CLONE - CmpDynamicTextSym: Unnecessary large memory allocation in HashtableOpen

CDS-86462 Bug

CLONE - LibMan: Detail and documentation view windows do not work correctly after switching to another library

CDS-86443 Improvement

CLONE - Package Manager: Prohibit the installation of older packages

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Prohibit the installation of older packages.
The installation of older packages must be explicitly allowed.
Either by means of the package tag "AllowOlderVersions" or an OEM customization.
CDS-86393 Bug

CLONE - Virusscanner, Codesys Addons: Installing can lead to "process cannot access the file 'CurrentInstall.log' " message

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Log will be hold in memory instead of writing to disc.
CDS-86392 Bug

CLONE - Library: Documentation not shown on double click on function block from LD / FBD / CFC

CDS-86377 Improvement

CLONE - DeviceObject: add flag for safety input and outputs to skip swapping of io channels

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Compiler version >= required
CDS-86376 Bug

CLONE - PLCHandler VxWorks Source Delivery: Files are missing

CDS-86329 Bug

CLONE - Updating an package can lead to break of dependency (PackageReference)

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Existing package reference constraints will now be checked before a new package will be installed. If the new one would break a reference an error will be shown.
CDS-86300 Bug

CLONE - APUnitTestFramework should resolve interface dependencies of loaded plugins in their respective target

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
ApUnittestFramework uses the plugin cache file of the target for test execution.
CDS-86286 Bug

CLONE - Compile: VAR_GENERIC CONSTANT not working in compiled libraries

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
a type declaration using a generic type will be saved for Compiler Version >=
CDS-86285 Bug

CLONE - CmpOPCUAServer: Calculation for mempool extension is incorrect for PublishRequests and Subscriptions

CDS-86260 Bug

CLONE - Targetvisu, Overlay: High load in certain customer project

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
This issue will not be fixed for because the problem is located in the AddOn CODESYS Visualization. Therefore the bugfix will be released with the fix version of VIS-3302
CDS-86259 Bug

CLONE - LWIP: Update to latest version 2.1.3

CDS-86258 Bug

CLONE - Package Manager: Missing menu items in standard menu option files after package installation

CDS-86200 Bug

CLONE - IoDrvTemplate: No driver found

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
Templates will not be patched to older versions.
CDS-86199 Bug

CLONE - Watchlist: Exception "too many items added" when opening library method in online mode

CDS-86198 Bug

CLONE - [MessageView] Messages added during Engine initialization are not shown

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Adding messages to the MessageStorage before UIReady is now working properly
CDS-86197 Bug

CLONE - CmpIecVarAccess: Use IecVarAccGetAccessRights instead of IecVarAccessGetAccessRights2 to serialze type members

CDS-86179 Bug

CLONE - Device User Management: Option “Password must be changed at first login” is not working

CDS-86178 Bug

CLONE - Device User Management: Admin can not change password for user created with “Password can be changed by user” unselected

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
This issue fixes a problem in the IDE so that it works again for older runtime systems (e.g. SP15). For a full fix for newer runtime systems, an additional fix on the runtime side needs to be patched (CDS-86419).
CDS-86157 Bug

CLONE - Compiler, Cross references: Null reference exceptions possible when forcing early cross references

CDS-86156 Improvement

CLONE - WebBrowser: Update to Microsoft.Web.WebView2 V1.0.1823.32

CDS-86147 Improvement

CLONE - CmpIecTask: IEC call of IecTaskDeleteInternalAsync() with parameters from stack can lead to stack overwrite

CDS-86146 Bug

CLONE - RSM Utility Library: Wrong parameter usage of IecTaskDelete3

CDS-86102 Improvement

CLONE - CODESYS Control: Add a log message, if a file access is denied by ForceIecFilePath

CDS-86101 Bug

CLONE - CmpApp: Log error needed for AppBasedLicenses if metrics in bootproject exceeds license

CDS-86085 Improvement

CLONE - Package Manager: Blacklist old PDE versions

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
The following add-ons have been blacklisted due to upcoming compatibility issues.
CODESYS Static Analysis <
CODESYS Test Manager <
CODESYS Profiler <
CODESYS Application Composer Single License <
CODESYS Visu Elem Toolkit <
CDS-86078 Improvement

CLONE - CmpBlkDrvTcp: Improve ethernet configuration options

The setting BLKDRVTCPKEY_STRING_LOCALADDRESS is now deprecated and only kept for compatibility reasons. It is replaced by the new setting BLKDRVTCPKEY_STRING_NETWORK_ADAPTER.
See CmpBlkDrvItf.h for details.
CDS-86077 Improvement

CLONE - CmpWebServer: Improve ethernet configuration options

CDS-86068 Bug

CLONE - Open Project: Crash while opening NVL project

CDS-86067 Improvement

CLONE - Logout IDE from PLC after configurable time of inactivity

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Added new option page "Online"
* New Setting "Force disconnect from device after time of inactivity"

Added new startup parameter "ForceDisconnectAfterInactivity", which overrides the new setting:
* --ForceDisconnectAfterInactivity="2000" (Will perform a force logout after 2000 seconds of inactivity. The specified time will be clamped to the range of 10-10800)
* --ForceDisconnectAfterInactivity="0" (Will disable the new setting)

Note that the inactivity is tracked by mouse/keyboard events that are local to CODESYS. This means that CODESYS running on a second monitor will force a disconnect even if the user is busy typing inside another application on the primary monitor. However, simply moving the mouse across the CODESYS UI without any clicking will reset the inactivity.
CDS-86060 Bug

CLONE - Fast online change: Not working in certain circumstances

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
CompilerVersion >=
CDS-86031 Bug

CLONE - CmpEventMgr: Exception in IEC Callback leads to timeout and inconsistent state

CDS-86030 Improvement

CLONE - RTE / CmpET1000Drv: Extend driver to support new generation eth chips like i225/i226

CDS-85763 Bug

CLONE - SIGABRT on Reset Cold with MODBUS Slave

CDS-85737 Bug

CLONE - Option Files: Files end up in the same folder in customized installation

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
This issue is too risky to be cloned to a patch without a full regression test and without a larger community testing it before the release. See risk analysis for more information.
CDS-85503 Bug

CLONE - IecVarAccess: Consistent read blocks sporadically the IEC tasks for 1s

CDS-84417 Bug

CLONE - CmpIoMgr.c : Issues causing crash after few Run->Halt->Reset cycles
