
Product: CODESYS Library Documentation Support

Key Issue Type Summary Resolution Release Note
LIBDOC-57 Improvement

Errors message points only to object but not to a position

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
These messages are produced by the used tool-chain Sphinx and they unfortunately don't contain more location details than the already given object-name. The latter is shown and trackable as wanted. Therefore, it is not possible to provide a solution her.
LIBDOC-46 Improvement

Update used OSS to latest version (python 3.10.6)

LIBDOC-45 Improvement

LibDoc: Provide a proper handling of external files in reST format


Creation fails if two external objects with same name exist in the device tree

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
* Implementation differs from original suggestion:
* When two files are referenced with same name, the second "wins" by overwriting the first.
* If both files are identical, this will cause no problems.
* If the files are different, the cause of the unexpected result can be easily determinde as all references to the file are using the same target.
LIBDOC-33 Improvement

DocExport: Support for VAR_GENERIC CONSTANT types

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
The issue has already been fixed by LIBDOC-14
LIBDOC-14 Improvement

Support for type Generic Constant

LIBDOC-7 Improvement

Improve documentation for VAR_INPUT CONSTANT entries
